Saturday, December 22, 2007

Conversations with God (2006)


I always seem to hesitate when it comes to watching a film involving faith and/or religious beliefs. I have come up with several reasons why-

First, faith and belief films are dangerous because it can be hard to tell when the filmmakers are merely throwing a viewpoint out there or are preaching to you in an attempt to convert the masses (discussion vs. propaganda).

Second, the faith or beliefs portrayed in a film could be factually or categorically incorrect.

Third and lastly, negative or positive reviews for the film can be controversial and people may claim your rating is based largely off of whether or not you agree with the beliefs on display.

I assure you, these kind of films can be difficult to rate. Some faith-based films are easily swept under the rug because they are simply not well done. Others are not so easily dismissed. Case in point: Conversations with God.

RATING: 2.25 out of 5

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